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Getting Started with Themes


We highly recommend using Theme Kit to manage your store theme for the best developer experience from your favorite IDE. Install Theme Kit


Intro Bootstrap (View Intro Bootstrap Theme) is a publicly available starter theme for the 29 Next platform available on Github that can be used as a starting point and guide with store themeing.

Layout & Structure

The Storefront theme framework has a set guideline for the base directories of your theme for your assets, html, and settings.

Storefront Theme Structure
├── assets
├── checkout
├── configs
├── layouts
├── locales
├── partials
├── sass
└── templates


The assets directory is used to upload static asset files used in the theme such as images, stylesheets, web fonts, and javascript files. The assets directory works in conjunction with the asset_url template filter to render the full path on your storefront.

Example link in template to /assets/css/style.css
{{ 'css/style.css'|asset_url }}


The checkout is used to add a customized checkout.html template to override the built in checkout template.

Checkout Directory
└── checkout.html

See Checkout Customization Guide


The configs directory is used to store your theme settings options and also the settings data as they should be configured with the theme.

  • settings_schema.json is used to generate the theme settings form
  • setting_data.json is used data storage for the the theme settings
Config Directory
├── settings_data.json
└── settings_schema.json

See Theme Settings Guide


The locales directory is used to for storefront theme translation json files. The translation files are used in conjunction with the translation template tag to support multiple languages for your storefront.

Translation files should be named according to the ISO 639-1 2 letter language code standard. The default or fallback language should be denoted with a .default in the file name as shown below. See the Translations guide for more examples on how to localize your theme content.

Locale Files Example
├── en.default.json
├── de.json
├── es.json
├── it.json
└── fr.json

See Translations Guide


The layouts directory is used to store base templates that are then extended from in view specific templates, see extends and block template tags for more on template inheritance. See the extends template tag for more on template inheritance.

Layouts Directory Example
└── base.html


The partials directory is used to store reusable which are reusable snippets of code that can be used in tandem with the include template tag for reuse across many templates. See the includes template tag for more on template inheritance with partials.

Partials Directory Example
├── header.html
├── footer.html
└── pagination.html
Example Partial Include Another Template
<html lang="en">
{% include "partials/footer.html" %}


The templates directory is used to store all templates for a theme, see URLs and Template Paths for reference.

Templates Directory Example
├── 403.html
├── 404.html
├── 500.html
├── blog
│   ├── index.html
│   └── post.html
├── cart.html
├── catalogue
│   ├── category.html
│   ├── index.html
│   └── product.html
├── index.html
├── pages
│   └── page.html
├── reviews
│   ├── form.html
│   ├── index.html
│   └── review.html
├── search.html
└── support
├── article.html
├── category.html
└── index.html


The sass directory accepts scss files for use in in a theme. See Theme Kit for more details on local sass compiling.


Sass files are not automatically compiled in the platform and must be compiled to css files locally for use in templates from the assets directory.

Theme Kit

Theme Kit is a command line tool for developers to build an maintain storefront themes programmatically, allowing theme developers to:

  • Work on theme templates and assets using their local code editor or favorite IDE.
  • Use git version control to work on a theme collectively with many theme collaborators.
  • Use a pipeline to manage deployments of theme updates.

See Theme Kit installation instructions on Github.