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Theme Settings


Theme support dynamic settings for use in in a theme that can be managed in the store dashboard theme editor. Theme settings consist of two JSON files in the config directory.

  • settings_schema.json - Used to create the settings schema to create the settings form in the dashboard theme editor.

  • settings_data.json - Used to store theme settings values for access in templates for template compiling.

Theme settings location

In the configs directory of a theme, theme developers can edit/manage dynamic settings that can be used to customize a theme.

└── settings_schema.json
└── settings_data.json

Using Settings in Templates

Settings are passed to templates settings context variable allowing you to access settings values by their name. See example below of changing the layout by conditionally adding a class based on a radio setting.

"General": {
"Settings": [
"name": "store_name",
"label": "Store Name",
"help_text": "Public name of your store.",
"type": "text",
"max_length": 250,
"required": 1,
"default": "Store Name"
"name": "layout",
"label": "Layout Style",
"help_text": "Control the layout style.",
"type": "radio",
"options": [
"name": "Boxed",
"value": "boxed"
"name": "Full Width",
"value": "full"
"default": "boxed"

Attribute Reference

typeYesType of form input, see Schema Input Types.
nameYesName of the setting and key for access in template settings object variable.
labelYesTheme settings form input label.
help_textNoTheme settings form input help text that shows below the input.
requiredNoJSON boolean, accepts true or false, false by default.
defaultNoDefault value for the setting.
optionsNoList of key:value pairs for options. Applicable to radio and select field types for their choices.
max_lengthNoApplicable to text field types to limit the length of text input.
max_valueNoApplicable to number field types to limit the max value.
min_valueNoApplicable to number field types to set a min value.

Schema Input Types

Schema input types map to input fields that will be rendered in the theme settings form in the dashboard.


"name": "enable_cookie_msg",
"label": "Enable Cookie Message Pop",
"help_text": "Enable cookie message to site visitors.",
"type": "checkbox",
"default": true


"type": "color",
"name": "btn_primary_color",
"label": "Primary Button Color",
"help_text": "Primary color for buttons.",
"default": ""


"type": "email",
"name": "contact_email_address",
"label": "Public contact email address.",
"help_text": "Email to show in site footer.",
"default": ""


"type": "file",
"name": "logo",
"label": "Store Logo",
"help_text": "Primary logo used throughout the site.",
"default": "uploads/logo.png"
"name": "header_menu",
"label": "Header Menu",
"type": "menu",
"required": true,
"help_text": "Header Menu"


"type": "select",
"multi-select": true,
"name": "accepted_payment_methods",
"label": "Accepted Payment Methods",
"help_text": "Control which payment methods are shown.",
"options": [
"name": "Visa",
"value": "visa"
"name": "Master Card",
"value": "mastercard"
"name": "American Express",
"value": "amex"
"name": "Paypal",
"value": "paypal"
"name": "Klarna",
"value": "klarna"
"default": [


"type": "number",
"name": "homepage_testimonials_count",
"label": "Homepage Number Testimonials to Show",
"help_text": "Control the number of homepage testimonials to show",
"max_value": 10,
"min_value": 0,
"default": 3


"name": "hero_product",
"label": "Hero Product",
"type": "product",
"help_text": "Hero product on homepage banner."


"name": "featured_products",
"label": "Featured Products",
"type": "products",
"help_text": "Featured products for homepage."


"name": "featured_products",
"label": "Featured Product Category",
"type": "product_category",
"help_text": "Featured product category for homepage"


"name": "top_product_categories",
"label": "Top Product Categories",
"type": "product_categories",
"help_text": "Featured product categories for homepage"


"type": "radio",
"name": "layout",
"label": "Layout Style",
"help_text": "Control the layout style.",
"options": [
"name": "Boxed",
"value": "boxed"
"name": "Full Width",
"value": "full"
"default": "boxed"


"type": "select",
"name": "header_style",
"label": "Header Style",
"help_text": "Choose header layout style.",
"options": [
"name": "Full Width",
"value": "full"
"name": "Boxed",
"value": "boxed"
"name": "Overlay",
"value": "overlay"
"default": "full"


"type": "text",
"name": "store_name",
"label": "Store Name",
"help_text": "Public name for your store.",
"max_length": 250,
"required": true,
"default": "My New Store Name"


"type": "textarea",
"name": "description",
"label": "Description",
"help_text": "Example input textarea",
"default": "Test"


"type": "url",
"name": "social_link",
"label": "Social Media Link",
"help_text": "Link to your social media page.",
"default": ""