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Tag Reference

Template tags enable theme developers to include and extend templates and blocks, add logical operators, query and filter data, and much more. See all available template tags below.


The app_asset_url tag is used to reference asset files included in app snippets.

<script src=="{% app_asset_url 'assets/my-app.js' %}"></script>


The app_hook tag specifies a theme storefront location Apps can inject snippets into to extend storefront templates from Apps. Theme developers should ensure their templates include all available app_hooks to ensure compatability with all Apps.

{% app_hook 'global_header' %}

Available app_hook locations include:

App Hook LocationDescription
global_headerUsed for adding javascript and styles globally to the header of a theme.
Should be loaded globally in the header, most likely in layout/base.html.
global_footerUsed for adding javascript globally to the footer of a theme.
Should be loaded globally in the footer, most likely in layout/base.html.
view_productUsed for tracking product_view type javascript events.
Should be placed just before the closing </body> tag on the catalogue/product.html template. Used
add_to_cartUsed for tracking add_to_cart type javascript events.
Should be placed just before the closing </body> tag on the catalogue/product.html template
start_checkoutUsed for tracking started_checkout type javascript events.
Should be placed on the checkout/checkout.html template
complete_checkoutUsed for tracking conversion type javascript events. Should be placed on the checkout/checkout.html template

boolean operators

If tags may be used in combination with boolean operators for conditional control flow.

andmultiple conditions are true
oreither condition is true
nota condition is not true
incontained within
not ina condition is not true
istwo values are the same
is nottwo values are not the same
<less than
>greater than
<=less than or equal to
>=greater than or equal to


Ignores everything between {% comment %} and {% endcomment %}. An optional note may be inserted in the first tag. For example, this is useful when commenting out code for documenting why the code was disabled.

<p>Rendered text with {{ pub_date|date:"c" }}</p>
{% comment "Optional note" %}
<p>Commented out text with {{ create_date|date:"c" }}</p>
{% endcomment %}


This tag is used for CSRF protection and required on any template with a form that sends a POST request to the back end.

{% csrf_token %}
<input type="text" id="example" name="Example Input">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

extends & block

Extends and block tags allow you to define blocks of content in a base template that can be overridden by templates that extend from it for template inheritance.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/style.css'|asset_url }}">
<title>{% block title %}My amazing store{% endblock %}</title>

<div id="sidebar">
{% block sidebar %}
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/blog/">Blog</a></li>
{% endblock %}

<div id="content">
{% block content %}{% endblock %}


Loops over each item in array, making the item available in a context variable. For example, to display a list of products provided in the {{ products }} variable.

{% for each in products %}
<li>{{ each.get_title }} - Rating {{ each.rating }} stars</li>
{% endfor %}

if, elif, & else

Use the if tag to evaluate if a variable is "true" and control the contents displayed.

{% if products_list > 2 %}
<p>Number of products: {{ products_list|length }}</p>
{% elif products_list %}
<p>We only have a single product now.</p>
{% else %}
<p>Sorry, there are no products.</p>
{% endif %}


Loads a template and renders it with the current context. This is a way of including other templates within a template.

<html lang="en">
{% include "partials/footer.html" %}

A word of caution, multi-level inclusion inside of iterative loops can create performance penalties while rendering a page html for site visitors. Use includes sparingly when working inside iterative loops.


The image_thumbnail tag is used to resize images dynamically in templates. The tag accepts arguments that control how the image is resized.

{% with image=line.product.primary_image %}
{% image_thumbnail image.original "200x200" upscale=False as thumb %}
<a href="{{ line.product.get_absolute_url }}">
<img class="thumbnail" src="{{ thumb.url }}" alt="{{ product.get_title }}">
{% endwith %}
sizeExample, 100x100 (widthxheight), sets the desired image size in pixels. If width and height are given the image is rescaled to maximum values of height and width given. Aspect ratio preserved.
cropThis option is only used if both width and height is given. Crop behaves much like css background-position. The image is first rescaled to minimum values of height and width given, this will be equivalent to the padding box in the above text.
upscaleUpscale is a boolean and controls if the image can be upscaled or not. For example if your source is 100x100 and you request a thumbnail of size 200x200 and upscale is False this will return a thumbnail of size 100x100. If upscale was True this would result in a thumbnail size 200x200 (upscaled). The default value is True.
qualityQuality is a value between 0-100 and controls the thumbnail write quality. Default value is 95.
progressiveThis controls whether to save jpeg thumbnails as progressive jpegs. Default value is True.
orientationThis controls whether to orientate the resulting thumbnail with respect to the source EXIF tags for orientation. Default value is True.
formatThis controls the write format and thumbnail extension. Formats supported by the shipped engines are 'JPEG' and 'PNG'. Default value is JPEG.
paddingPadding is a boolean and controls if the image should be padded to fit the specified geometry.


Displays the current date and/or time, using a format according to the given string. See available date reference for format options.


The purchase_info_for_product tag is used to retrieve the price of a product in the current user session's currency.

{% purchase_info_for_product request product as session %}
{% if session.price.exists %}
{{ session.price.price|currency:session.price.currency }}
{% else %}
requestMust pass the current request context object.
productMust pass the current product context object.


The seo tag generates SEO meta data for products in standardized format for consumption by 3rd party systems.

{% seo %}

The tag is expected to be added to the top of product details template to generate necessary SEO meta data.


The t (translation) tag is used to display localized content from a theme's translations files. The t tag accepts a key and additional replacement variable arguments to access the theme translations and return the language appropriate string for display to the user.

{% t 'customer.orders.order_count' with count=orders.count %}


Returns an absolute url path reference matching a given view with parameters. See the URL & Template Path reference for a list of all URL names to use with the {% url %} template tag.

<a href="{% url 'blog:blog-list' %}">Blog</a>


Queries and filters store objects to dynamically assign objects to a variable.

{% where {{ objects }} {{ field_name }} {{ lookup_expr }} as {{ variable }} %}
objectsThe global context object. Supported objects include; products, product_categories, posts, post_categories, currencies, storefront_geos
field_nameObject field name to perform the lookup on.
lookup_exprQuery lookup expression; exact or contains.
variableAssigned template variable name, ie featured_products.