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External Checkout Flow

In this guide we'll cover the best practices when building an external checkout flow using the 29 Next Admin API. Using the API gives you the most flexibility of data and functionality across the platform and external integrations.

Create Cart

Carts are the starting point for all orders, carts are essentially draft orders waiting to be converted into orders. Creating the cart is a vital step in capturing leads and setting up abandoned cart flows.

// POST https://{store}
// -H "Authorization: Bearer <API ACCESS TOKEN>" -H "X-29Next-Api-Version: 2023-02-10"
"lines": [
"product_id": 1,
"currency": "USD",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 33.44 // optional
"user": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"language": "en",
"ip": "",
"accepts_marketing": true,
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0..."
"attribution": {
"funnel": "Funnel Offer V2",
"metadata": {
"custom_meta_field": "Custom meta data"
  • The carts create API accepts a user object that will get or create the user by their email address making it is safe to use for both new and existing users.
  • Attribution added to a cart is carried over to the Orders and Subscriptions created on the users next order, you do not need to pass this data on the order request.
  • If you need to capture an address with the cart, use the usersAddressesCreate endpoint which will create a default address for the user.

Create Order

Creating an order is the core resource in an external checkout flow, see the example below to familiarize yourself with the ordersCreate API endpoint.

// POST https://{store}
// -H "Authorization: Bearer <API ACCESS TOKEN>" -H "X-29Next-Api-Version: 2023-02-10"
"lines": [
"product_id": 1,
"currency": "USD",
"quantity": 1,
"price": "5.99" // optional custom price
"email": ""
"shipping_code": "default",
"shipping_price": "5.48",
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"line1": "9975 Berkshire Dr.",
"line4": "Monsey",
"postcode": "10952",
"phone_number": "2025550140",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"
"billing_same_as_shipping_address": true,
"payment_method": "bankcard",
"payment_details": {
"card_name": "John Doe",
"card_number": "6011111111111117",
"card_cvv": 879,
"card_expiry_month": 7,
"card_expiry_year": 2029,
"save_card": true
  • Complete User detail is not necessary if the user already exists, you can reference an existing user by id or by email.
  • Attribution detail are not necessary if you have already added it to the users active cart.
  • shipping_code and shipping_price are optional parameters you can set to specify the shipping method and shipping price.
  • If you already created an address for the user, pass use_default_shipping_address and use_default_billing_address as true to use their default address for the order.
  • For additional payment methods, see our guides on Card Tokenization, 3DS2, Apple Pay, PayPal, and Stripe APMs.

Add Upsells

Add additional products (line items) to the original order through the ordersAddLineItemsCreate API. Adding items to the order will automatically re-use the order's initial payment method to collect payment for the additional products.

// POST https://{store}<NUMBER>/add-line-items/
// -H "Authorization: Bearer <API ACCESS TOKEN>" -H "X-29Next-Api-Version: 2023-02-10"
"lines": [
"product_id": 2,
"currency": "USD",
"quantity": 1,
"price": "10.33" // optional custom price

The ordersAddLineItemsCreate API requires that the order initial payment method supports merchant initiated charges. Current supported payment methods are bankcard and paypal (with Reference Transactions enabled).

Cart / Order / Upsell lines Detail

Cart, Order, and Upsell line items represent the products the customer is purchasing. When an order is created, the product fulfillment location will be automatically chosen based on product stock records and inventory availability.

Acceptable Line Combinations for a Product

"lines": [
"product_id": 1,
"currency": "USD",
"quantity": 1,
"price": "33.44" // optional custom price

Subscription Line Items

Lines also accept an optional subscription object to specify a subscription that will be automatically created after the initial order is successfully created.

"lines": [
"product_id": 1,
"currency": "USD",
"quantity": 1,
"price": "5.99", // optional custom initial price
"subscription": {
"interval": "day", // day, month, year
"interval_count": 30, // interval counter, ie 30 days
"price": "24.99" // optional custom recurring price

Subscription line items have two price fields available. The order line item level price and then the subscription object price. Passing price points in these fields enables you to easily achieve an "initial order discount".


Orders with Subscription line items must have an initial payment (order total > 0.00) to validate and retain the bankcard for future usage.

Cart / Order User Detail

The user object on carts/orders represents the customer which includes their contact details. Below are the recommended fields to pass for the user for ease of use and support of external integrations that may rely on the data, i.e. user_agent.


Users are first checked for an existing user by email before creating a new user. Successive cartsCreate and ordersCreate API requests with the same user details will reference the same user.

"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone_number": "+18125879988", // optional, E.164 format required
"language": "en", // used for localized email notifications
"accepts_marketing": true, // used by external integrations
"ip": "", // used by external integrations
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0..." // used by external integrations

It is not recommended to pass phone_number directly on the user when creating a cart or order, we recommend passing a local phone number in the shipping_address instead. Address fields have country context, which allows local phone numbers to be passed and converted to E.164 format before being saved. A phone_number passed to the user object directly must be in E.164 format.

Cart / Order Attribution Detail

Cart and Order attribution object sets the marketing attribution on the order for tracking the source of orders and use in orders reporting. You can also pass in metadata fields that are configured on the store to track custom attribution parameters and integrate external tracking platforms.

"attribution": {
"funnel": "Funnel Offer V2",
"metadata": {
"custom_meta_field": "Custom meta data"

Order Shipping Detail

"shipping_code": "default",
"shipping_price": "5.48",

The shipping_code is an optional field to specify the Shipping Method to be used for the order, if not passed, the cheapest Shipping Method will be used. shipping_price is also optional and provides a way to override the configured price for the Shipping Method of the order allowing you to discount or charge an upsell for shipping on the order.

Order Addresses Detail

The shipping_address object on the order represents the address where the order will be shipped, and similarly for the billing_address. The first shipping_address and billing_address created for a user is automatically set as their default shipping and billing address, see API Reference.


Use billing_same_as_shipping_address to forego having to pass a full duplicate address for billing_address.

"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"line1": "9975 Berkshire Dr.",
"line4": "Monsey", // city
"postcode": "10952",
"phone_number": "2025550140",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"
"billing_same_as_shipping_address": true,
  • User phone_number is automatically saved from the user's first address if they do not have an existing phone_number.
  • In a "Two Step" flow where the customer address is collected before creating the order, create an address for the user and then pass the use_default_shipping_address and use_default_billing_address as true on the orders_create request.

Order Payment Detail

The order payment_method and payment_details objects work in tandem to specify the payment method for the order and provide any additional data that may be required per payment method. The example below uses a Test Card to create a Test Order. See our other guides on creating orders with Card Tokens or payment methods that use a redirect flow: PayPal, Apple Pay, Stripe APMs, and 3DS2.

"payment_method": "bankcard",
"payment_details": {
"card_name": "John Doe",
"card_number": "6011111111111117",
"card_cvv": 879,
"card_expiry_month": 7,
"card_expiry_year": 2029,
"save_card": true