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Google Pay Admin API Guide

Google Pay is a fully integrated payment app, supported both in the storefront checkout, and via the Admin API. Google Pay transactions process the customer through the Google Pay payment flow, with the resulting order information provided back to your application. Below are the steps needed to get Google Pay set up and working on the Admin API.

For custom checkouts using the Admin API, there are two flows available -- the standard method where a user enters their shipping address, chooses products, and then checks out via Google Pay; and the "One-Click" method, where the user is not required to enter shipping information before being redirected to Google Pay checkout.


Your store must have a Google Pay setup and enabled with a gateway to use the Google Pay payment method and the user device must use Chrome browser or Android with Google Pay setup.

API Payment Redirect Flow

Below is a high-level overview of the user flow when creating orders on the Admin API that utilize the payment method redirect flow.

UserExternal CheckoutStorePayment ProviderUser initiates payment1Create order/redirect to "payment_complete_url"2User completes payment3Store processes payment4Store POSTs order data to "payment_return_url"5Receive data/show order details6UserExternal CheckoutStorePayment Provider

Create Order on Admin API

When creating a new order using Google Pay, you’ll need to specify the payment_method=google_pay as well as provide a payment_return_url. The payment_return_url is your endpoint that will receive a POST request containing the final order data.

Payment Details for Order with Google Pay
"payment_method": "google_pay",
"payment_details": {
"payment_return_url": "<external checkout url>",
"payment_gateway": "<gateway id>", // optional
"payment_gateway_group": "<gateway group id>" // optional

To test Google Pay as a payment method, you can use the test gateway with your real credit card in your Google Pay account, your card will not be charged.

Redirect Customer to Payment Complete URL

The response when creating the order will provide a payment_complete_url. Your application should redirect the customer to this URL for completing the payment on the store's Google Pay Checkout page.

Response with Payment Complete URL
"reference_transaction_id": null,
"payment_complete_url": "https://<domain>/checkout/google-pay/<transaction token>/"

Receiving Order Data

After the customer has completed their payment, they will be redirected to your application with a POST request containing data in the response key comprising all of the order information as a string. See examples below.


Order data structure follows Admin Order API and is application/x-www-form-urlencoded in a variable called response. If the order data is an empty dictionary {}, it means payment collection was unsuccessful and the order was not created.

Example Parsing of Order Data
import json

def order_receiver_view(request):
data = json.loads(request.POST.get("response"))
return HttpResponse(status=201)